Spectra Handy Manual Breast Pump
Convenient and hassle-free, the Spectra Handy PLUS Manual Breast Pump is lightweight and efficient. Its powerful yet comfortable suction will help you express more breast milk in less time whether you’re running to the gym or taking a quick break. The Spectra Handy Plus Manual Breast Pump’s ergonomic design successfully prevents hand fatigue allowing its user to pump at their own pace while aiding let-down. The included massager insert provides a tighter fit while ensuring proper suction and comfort. The Spectra Handy Plus Manual Breast Pump provides powerful suction up to 350mmHg and includes assembly instructions inside. The Spectra Handy Plus Manual Breast Pump includes a handle, cover, silicone diaphragm, diaphragm link, breast shield, duckbill valve, bottle, bottle stand, nipple cover, nipple, cap and disc.
Bottle is BPA-Free and holds 150 ml
- Suitable for fridge or freezer